LE NGOK FW23 RTW collection "Oneness" featured on PREVIEW IN FOCUS cover, May 2023
Camille @itscamilleco and Tricia @tgosingtian wear ensembles by Le Ngok SS23 FW RTW collection "Oneness" on Preview In Focus
Thank you @previewph ❤️
Produced by Katrina Maisie Cabral (@katfromjupiter)
Photography by Colin Dancel (@colindancel), assisted by Joey Alvero (@joeyalvero)
Art Direction by Jana Jodloman (janajodloman)
Fashion Direction and Styling by Marj Ramos-Clemente (@itsmarjramos)
Styling Assistants: Reg Rodriguez (@heyrocketgirl) and Isha Fojas (@ishafojas)
Makeup by Mikka Marcaida (@mikkamarcaida), assisted by Loribel Barrera (@vielnavarr0)
Hairstyling by Jan Edrosolan (@jan.edrosolan)
Nails by Nailandia (@nailandiacorp)
Words by Nicole Cruz (@y_nrc)
Vanity set from Mamaeson Vintage (@mamaesonvintage)
Special thanks to Asia Coronel (@asiacoronel) and Ro Creative Studio (@ro.creatives)